Friday, April 5, 2013

I am milquetoast

I think the title says it all about my desire to go gluten-free.  The fact is, I don't.  I really, really don't want to have to pay attention to, nor avoid food.

Two nights ago, while dining with one of my besties, I had a Mustang Washita Wheat beer (YUM!!!) with a Herbivore Sandie served on a Vienna wheat bread from the Mule (highly recommend! -- unless, of course, you are doing a gluten-free diet!) The next morning, I awoke with such terrible joint pain in my hands and some pain in other joints, that I knew I had to do SOMETHING.  The chronic muscle pain I experience seemed more severe too.

So, today, I've decided to give up wheat.  I'm not happy about this, but am resigned.

A website I've looked at, suggested making a list of pain symptoms that nag me -- any symptoms.  Then go on a 60 day gluten-free diet and see if there are any changes/improvements.

Okay, I'll try it.  First, I'm giving up wheat (or at least as much as I knowingly can -- apparently, wheat is in EVERYTHING!).  As soon as I can (stand it!), I'll eliminate the other glutenous grains. Anyway, that's my plan, for today.

I'm doing the blog for several reasons.  1. to VENT!!  2. to have a way to communicate what I'm experiencing 3. to keep track of my research and 4. if it helps anyone else, so much the better.

chronic muscle pain!!!
joint pain
fatigue (especially after eating)
foggy brain
weight gain
dizziness (occasionally)
tingling/numbness in my hands (occasionally)
high cholesterol
allergies (hay-fever?)

Useful websites found today:
Wiki (gluten-free diet)
Symptom check-list
Natural News (gluten-free info)
gluten free menu options from metro restaurants


  1. I went gluten-free by doing a juicing "reboot" that was almost a month long. I decided to remain gf because baked items are a vice of mine and i thought it would help me to not have that stuff readily available to me. I had NO CLUE that i would get sick after eating/drinking glutenous foods...until i did. I am lucky in that i can handle small amounts of gluten and don't have to worry about cross contamination. I will also say that i felt MUCH better physically when i was completely grain-free during the juicing.

  2. It's good to hear about your experience. I've considered doing a "cold turkey" gluten-free diet, but I'm just not willing to be that "hard" on myself and "make me do it!"
    This would be so much easier with kids and husband who support eliminating gluten. As it is, it'll be in the house, which is going to make it tough in the beginning. And maybe always.
    Please keep commenting. I need all the support I can get. :)
